HUS/TTP is a CRAFTY syndrome:
C : CNS symptoms
R : Renal failure
A : Anemia (microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, "MAHA")
F : Fever
T : Thrombocytopenia
Y : no one knows "Y" it occurs
- Normal anion gap acidosis
There's the older mnemonic USED CAR:
U : uterosigmoidostomy
S : saline administration (in the face of renal dysfunction)
E : endocrine (Addisons, spironolactone, triamterene, amiloride,
primary hyperparathyroidism)
D : diarrhea
C : carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
A : ammonium chloride
R : renal tubular acidosis
and a newer mnemonic RAGE:
R : renal tubular acidosis, respiratory acidosis
A : acetazolamide, ammonium chloride
G : GI (diarrhea, enteroenteric fistula, ureterosigmoidostomy)
E : endocrine (same as above endocrine list)
- Increased anion gap acidosis
M : methanol
U : uremia
D : diabetes
P : paraldehyde
I : idiopathic (lactic acidosis)
E : ethylene glycol
S : salicylates
and a newer one called DULSI:
D : diabetic ketoacidosis
U : uremia
L : lactic acidosis
S : salicylate poisoning
I : intoxicants (methanol, ethanol, ethylene glycol)
I think these mnemonics are really cool and yes, very useful! :)
These are just what I need today! :) Very helpful for my research. :D
Mnemonics for a certain topic will definitely help a lot.
Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.