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Preparing for exams? Do not forget these

Written By Dr Medicos on Friday, 22 July 2011 | 20:08

Source : freedigitalphotos.net
Often when I hear about an exam, chill runs down my spine. This can be seen with manyothers too. I still remember how i managed to pass my final exams.
 Let us see what we need to pass an exam with flying colours
  1. A good memory
  2. Good Health
That is it. Yes, its just these two which are the most important of all. So, now let us discuss these

 Are you often unable to remember the names of people you've met? Do you go to a room and think what are you there for? Well don't worry this is just a tip of an iceberg. There are many more issues related. Just ask the person who is suffering how much demoralising that can be. Memory is an important skill that you can improve.

Here are a few things which you can do to improve learning and retaing:
Source : freedigitalphotos.net
  • Use mnemonics - use by associating it with people or, by rhyming, or, just a funny phrase which makes it more fun to learn.
  • Mind mapping - just write a word and link everything around it. For e.g. write car and circle it. Now draw arrow and write its colour, type, segment, etc. and so on. This is how you do it.
  • Visualise on a regular basis - No you won't start hallucinating. Visualisation if done regularly will help you to associate and recall images.
  • Focus on important things - of course you won't be able to remember everything you read. So, its important to focus
  • Revise often - It helps you to shift the information from short memory to long memory.
  • Socialise - It helps you keep your mind alert as while communicating with someone you focus and concentrate on the words and that helps you.
Now about Health
  • Eat well.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Manage stress.
  • Get enough sleep.
  • Limit Caffeine, Alcohol.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Exercise at least 15 min./day.
This way you can maximize your brain's abilities.Try these and see the results for yourself. Though i can't gaurantee the success but, yes you can improve your memory



thanks for This

A ~Crafty~ Reprocess said...

Lol..good read wish I would have had this back when I was still in school..facing test phobia..!

Lene AdaS said...

Find the result and success is making an effort of mind and body in a healthy way...

good tips!

love 2 type said...

they say peanuts help you to have strong memory. :)

Offshore Vacancies said...

Nicely done. According to studies, as our age scale higher, our health and fitness level plunge down below, including our memory. However, being young does not mean that you can escape from suffering memory loss. That's why it is important to take good care of our health, and work on improving memory retention. The above mentioned guides are very useful to ensure that our memory is still at its best level.

Herbal Remedies said...

Using mnemonics is a very nice idea when preparing for an examination or for studying.

Pricewise Events said...

Visualizing and mind-mapping were what I used to do back then when I was studying. :) I was really into those strategies and those worked with me so well. :)

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